Le Français: Plus qu'une langue, un art de vivre
French: More than a language, an art of living
Registration Form
Please read our Language Center Policies before completing this form. After the submission of this form, our office will contact you to confirm your registration.
Payments can be made on this secure website: scroll below or click on Payments on our horizontal menu on top of page. Enter your name, the item you're paying for and, on the next screen, scroll down to bottom of page and add your credit card.
You may also pay by credit card at 401-272-6243 during business hours.
Upon completing the registration form above, click
Payments can be made by credit or debit card on this website. or by phone at 401-272-6243.
You may also mail a check to Alliance Française of Providence, 928 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908
You do not need a PayPal account to make payments via PayPal. First enter your name and the item purchased, and click "Buy Now". Then scroll down to PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT.